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MZ: Changes in the psychiatry of children and adolescents

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 18, 2022 08:42

MZ: Changes in the psychiatry of children and adolescents - Header image
The draft ordinance of the Minister of Health amending the ordinance on detailed criteria for selecting offers in the procedure for concluding contracts for the provision of healthcare services was submitted for consultation.

The draft regulation includes changes to the criteria for selecting offers contained in Annex 4 to the regulation. The proposed modifications mainly concern the remodeling of the criteria for selecting offers for healthcare services provided to children and adolescents at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd reference levels.

As a consequence of clarifying the current wording of the provisions of the basket regulation, additional subjects of proceedings were created at the I and II reference levels, taking into account the new scopes of guaranteed benefits.

Until now, the applicable conditions, assessed at the indicated levels,...

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