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KZP 2024

How can effective health education and preventive measures reduce the development of lifestyle diseases?

MedExpress Team


Published Dec. 9, 2024 11:45

How can effective health education and preventive measures reduce the development of lifestyle diseases? - Header image
The key to stopping or slowing the epidemic of civilization diseases, (such as diabetes, obesity, alcohol abuse and infectious diseases), is health education and prevention and prevention in the broadest sense, agreed experts participating in a discussion devoted to this issue at the 11th Public Health Congress.

- We should definitely speed up with prevention," admitted Marek Augustyn, vice president of the National Health Fund. Admittedly, the declaration was made in the specific context of obesity-related disease, but it applies to the entire spectrum of problems we are facing at the moment in the area of public health.

Obesity, however, as Prof. Lucyna Ostrowska, president of the Polish Society for the Treatment of Obesity, stressed, cannot be discussed in the context of prevention - although this is undoubtedly a very important, even fundamental, aspect. - There is no treatment path for the obese patient in Poland, and this is already a problem for 9 million people, she reminded, citing a NIK report published six months ago, which showed that only half of the audited PCPs performed even one, incomplete, basic patient measurement (patient weight control) during the year. - We have a declaration from the Polish Society of Family Medicine that the situation will improve," she stressed, while stipulating that PCPs are not sufficiently "armed" to take...

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