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Post-pandemic stress syndrome: The impact of a pandemic on our mental health

MedExpress Team

Published Aug. 21, 2024 10:43

Post-pandemic stress syndrome: The impact of a pandemic on our mental health - Header image
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The COVID-19 pandemic was a huge shock for many of us, not only in terms of health, but also psychologically. We lived in constant tension, uncertainty and fear for the future. As a result of the experience, some people developed what is known as post-pandemic stress syndrome, which, like other forms of post-traumatic stress, can have long-term consequences for mental health.

Dr. Mateusz Grajek of the SUM Department of Public Health in Bytom writes about the consequences of the pandemic on our mental lives in his book. The publication has just been released as an e-book distributed by the SUM Publishing House.

- Post-pandemic stress syndrome is a mental condition that occurs after prolonged exposure to severe pandemic stress. Although the concept is relatively new and does not yet have an official definition in classifications of mental illnesses, more and more psychologists and psychiatrists are seeing its symptoms in the population. In a sense, it is a variation of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is commonly known as a disorder that occurs after experiencing a traumatic event, Dr. Gra...

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