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MZ: Work is underway on the draft changes to the rules of specialization in the residential mode

MedExpress Team


Published June 13, 2022 09:07

MZ: Work is underway on the draft changes to the rules of specialization in the residential mode - Header image
The Ministry of Health is working on the draft changes to the rules of specialization in the residential mode. The ministry will want to encourage young doctors to work in poviat hospitals. It seems that this is one of the changes with which the Ministry of Health wants to convince local governments not to protest against the act on the modernization of hospitality.

- We are preparing a project so that residencies can take place in poviat hospitals - said health minister Adam Niedzielski on Thursday in the program "Gość Wydarzeń" on Polsat News. They were simply obliged to complete an internship in one of such hospitals. This is not a new idea - the directors of poviat hospitals and poviat representatives have been striving for such a solution for a long time. are there to fill staff shortages in hospitals, and each doctor has the rig...

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