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Poll: Are Poles afraid of opioids?

MedExpress Team

Published July 5, 2024 10:39

Poll: Are Poles afraid of opioids? - Header image
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85 percent of Poles point to opioids as the most harmful substances - less than a percentage point more cite cocaine in first place. Alcohol or nicotine - substances that are much more frequently abused - have noticeably lower ratings, according to the Biostat survey.

Biostat Research and Development Center conducted a survey "Poles' health - opioids" on the panel The survey was conducted from June 28 to July 1, 2024 on a sample of 1,000 adult residents of Poland, representative by gender, age and province of residence.

Asked which three substances they consider the most harmful, Poles point primarily to cocaine (85.7 percent) and opioids such as codeine, morphine, heroin, fentanyl (84.9 percent). Alcohol is indicated as the third most dangerous substance (48.6 percent). Marijuana is indicated by 38.3 percent of survey participants, and nicotine by 37.2 percent. Caffeine was placed among the three most harmful substances by 4.9 percent of those questioned.

Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed (61.8...

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opioidy / nikotyna / alkohol

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