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A social club instead of a dialogue?

MedExpress Team

Published Dec. 3, 2024 19:10

A social club instead of a dialogue? - Header image
Fot. MedexpressTV
Implementation of the constitutional principle of dialogue and cooperation with social partners and respect for the provisions of the Law on the Council for Social Dialogue - the social side of the Tripartite Team for Health Care demands that the government abide by the principles that are a guarantee of maintaining social peace.

Maria Ochman of the NSZZ Solidarity health care, who is chairing the work of the Team this six months on behalf of the trade union side, stressed that at meetings with health ministry representatives the atmosphere is pleasant, but there is a lack of clear declarations and unequivocal decisions. As an example, she cited the law on minimum wages - for several months it has not been possible to determine what the government's actual plans are for this law, only media enunciations on this (and not only) topic reach the members of the Team. - It has turned a bit into such a social club for us. We don't accept this kind of dialogue. I hope that when employers take over the chairmanship of the Team from January, its work will gain more momentum and it will be possible to receive the government's position sooner," said Maria Ochman.

Wojciech Wiśniewski, an expert from the Feder...

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Maria Ochman

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