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Ticks still active. The number of Lyme disease and STD patients is increasing.

MedExpress Team


Published Aug. 19, 2024 11:19

Ticks still active. The number of Lyme disease and STD patients is increasing. - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The number of ticks is increasing, which translates into more people suffering from Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis - diseases carried by these arachnids. It is the middle of the season when ticks attack the most. Doctors warn and advise caution.

Tick activity begins in early spring and continues until late autumn. The higher the ambient temperature and humidity, the more tick activity increases. Ticks live all over the country. They can be found in various places, not only in forests, but also in parks, home gardens or allotments. They usually reside in bushes up to about a meter in height.
- Anti- tick prevention for both Lyme disease and CCH is similar. It's the use of repellents and proper attire, i.e. long-sleeved, when going for a walk. When you return home, you should carefully inspect your entire body," says Dr. Piotr Stępień of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Regional Hospital in Kielce.


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