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One in three delivery rooms does not meet the criterion of 400 births per year

MedExpress Team

Małgorzata Solecka

Published Sept. 16, 2024 08:17

One in three delivery rooms does not meet the criterion of 400 births per year - Header image
Fot. Thinkstock/Getty Images
Does the Health Minister want to test deliveries in ambulances? That's one of the questions raised during this session of the Sejm, specifically - during the deliberations of the Parliamentary Group on Local Government Hospitals, which on Wednesday dealt with plans for changes in hospitality. On Thursday, in turn, at the plenary session, Law and Justice deputies asked from the rostrum whether financial gain was more important than the beauty of birth. That, in a nutshell, is the level of discussion around the hospital sector reform written into the NAP by the previous government (that is, the Law and Justice government).

On August 9, the Health Ministry released for public consultation a draft amendment to the Law on Health Services, which includes a whole package of solutions for hospitals. A few weeks earlier, the Health Minister had presented the assumptions for this draft at a major conference with local government hospital directors and local government officials, and at the time it was well received. However, when the draft itself was released, there was mostly criticism. And concerns, primarily with the quantitative criteria presented for gynecology and obstetrics and surgical wards.

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