Thanks to medical advances, people with Parkinson's disease can be treated more and more effectively. Modern therapies make it possible to control the symptoms of the disease for a long time, although early treatment is a prerequisite for success. In Poland, access to pharmacotherapy for Parkinson's disease is good, the organization of care for these patients is much worse. Patients, especially those in advanced stages of the disease, absolutely require multidisciplinary care, and there is a big problem with this. Patients wander through the system - from one specialist to another. The solution, beneficial to both the patient, the caregiver and the system, would be coordinated care. Unfortunately, although a pilot program for such care was developed as early as May 2023, it has yet to come into effect. Will the upcoming year 2025 bring the much-anticipated implementation by patients and doctors?
Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease, and the underlying cause is the death of nerve cells in the brain's black matter, responsible for the production of dopamine. As the disease progresses, changes in the brain intensify, resulting in cognitive impairment of motor dysfunction. In the advanced stage of the disease, the patient has difficulty performing daily activities such as washing, eating, dressing and moving around. Around-the-clock assistance and care from others becomes necessary. In Poland, Parkinson's disease is diagnosed in almost 8,000 people each year, ...
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