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AOTMiT: Transparency Council on Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and primary hypercholesterolemia, among others

MedExpress Team

Published March 4, 2024 08:50

AOTMiT: Transparency Council on Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and primary hypercholesterolemia, among others - Header image
Źródło: AOTMiT
Today (March 4) another meeting of the Transparency Council.

The agenda includes:

  1. Preparation of a position paper on the evaluation of the drug Ngenla (somatrogonum) within the framework of the drug program B.19. "Treatment of low-grade children with somatotropin hypopituitarism (ICD-10: E23)".
  2. Preparation of a position paper on the evaluation of the drug Produodopa (foslevodopum + foscarbidopum) under the drug program B.90. "Treatment of ...

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