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More and more fathers are taking parental leave. Because he wants

MedExpress Team


Published June 21, 2024 10:50

More and more fathers are taking parental leave. Because he wants - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
On the occasion of Father's Day, the third edition of the Guy at 100 PRO campaign was launched, reminding people of the importance of the role of dads in children's lives, but also how fatherhood serves men themselves. It also aims to educate parents about the new rights of fathers, which came into effect in 2023. Thanks to the new rights, 19,000 fathers took parental leave in 2023. Between January and May of this year - already 16.2 thousand.

Involved fatherhood refers to men's active and informed role in raising and living their children. It includes daily caregiving activities, as well as participation in education, emotional support and building a strong bond with the child.

Modern men want to take an active role in their children's lives, which not only benefits the children, but is also good for themselves. This year's "Guy for 100 PRO" campaign is held under the slogan "I am a dad 100 percent Because I want to."

It is organized by the Share the Care Foundation, which, together with the Gillette brand, a strategic partner of the project, emphasizes that fatherhood is not only a duty, but above all a pleasure and an opportunity to build deep emotional ties with children.

Is committed fatherhood becoming the norm?

The trend of involved fatherhood is becoming more and more noticeable. Men are becoming more and more involved from the moment of pregnancy - they can be seen together with their moms in gynecological and obstetric surgeries and at delivery rooms. They can be seen at doctor's appointments for vaccinations and when children get sick, at gatherings at kindergartens and schools.

The cyclical survey by the Giving Children Strength Foundation "Dads" confirms what we see out of the window - fathers see more and more space for themselves to be involved in their children's lives. 85 percent of fathers believe that both mother and father should equally talk to their child about their problems. 83.7 percent say that important decisions about the child should be made together. When it comes to playing and helping with school, 81.6 percent and 78.2 percent of fathers, respectively, favor an equal division of tasks.

However, it is worth quoting the results of a qualitative study conducted by IQS agency on behalf of the Foundation with Share the Care from 2022. "What surprised us then was that although the role of the father in a child's life is changing, the child's bond with the mother was still considered more important than with the father for most of those surveyed, especially in the first year of the child's life. Fathers did not realize that they had a role to play in their children's lives independent of mom. We were shocked that many of them considered themselves an inferior substitute for mom." - says Karolina Andrian, president of the Share the Care Foundation. The goal of the "Guy for 100 PROs" campaign is to make fathers aware of the important role they have to play in their children's lives and why parental leave is a grea...

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