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National Prostate Cancer Awareness Day

MedExpress Team

Published June 23, 2023 09:00

National Prostate Cancer Awareness Day - Header image
On June 23, Father's Day, we celebrate National Prostate Cancer Awareness Day. This is an opportunity to step up educational activities for regular prostate examinations. This year's celebration is accompanied by an exhibition entitled. "Father and Son," which serves as a reminder of the importance of prostate cancer prevention, especially if there have been previous cases of this cancer in the family.

Prostate cancer is statistically detected in one in seven men. Among all male cancers, it stands out as having the highest rate of increase in incidence with a concomitant increase in mortality. In Poland, the 5-year survival rate of patients with prostate cancer is significantly lower than in Western European countries (67 percent of patients versus 83 percent in EU countries).

- " I have the impression that we men are even less disciplined than the ladies, who, however, go for preventive examinations more often and keep an eye on their health more often ," said at the opening of the "Father and Son" exhibition, Chairman of the Parliamentary Health Committee, MP Tomasz Latos. - We, to a greater extent, neglect it, and what we are talking about today, which is mainly prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, it is usually the case that we get down to examination and treatment when there are already symptoms. And it should be done much earlier if we were more disciplined and more mindful of prevention.

Prevention and early diagnosis key to successful treatment

Every man should have his prostate examined regularly. Although it is still an embarr...

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