Prime Minister Tusk dealt with alcotubes in one day. Why can't he do so with quacks and other charlatans?
- Paramedics, charlatans and healers in Poland have a good and comfortable life and an audience to which they can reach ever more widely. We as doctors are outraged that for years no radical steps have been made to limit or even prevent them from spreading paramedical heresies. It's time to say it plainly: people are dying because of fraudsters and hoaxers. We need to cut this. He appeals to Prime Minister Donald Tusk: Mr. Prime Minister, you solved the problem of alcotubes in one day. Here the issue is much more serious, and politicians are silent. It's time to wake up and act," says Michal Bulsa, president of the Regional Medical Council in Szczecin.
Znachniks advise against ... biopsy. "It is supposed to spread cancer cells through the body".
The scale of the problem has been known to doctors for years, but the media's interest in the subject even more widely opens the field for discussion of how to end the anti-medical propaganda sown by circles of self-proclaimed healers as soon as possible. The situation is becoming more difficult every month and the lack of a sharp reaction from the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health allow the gray area of healers, quacks, charlatans to expand.
- We are not talking about incidents, but a probl...
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