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Stealing the image of a well-known doctor. Prof. Krzysztof Bielecki fell victim to fraudsters

MedExpress Team


Published June 11, 2024 09:00

Stealing the image of a well-known doctor. Prof. Krzysztof Bielecki fell victim to fraudsters - Header image
The image of the well-known surgeon, Professor Krzysztof Bielecki, has been used by fraudsters to, among other things, advertise a pseudo-drug with alleged anti-atherosclerotic effects. Materials using deep fake technology have also been used to promote other preparations with questionable effects, and recently the professor was even put to death. He was interviewed about the case in a program called Wyszło na Jaw on the Wyszło na zdrowie channel.

I am talking to a person who has accomplished a thing that only one man has succeeded in the last more than two thousand years. Well, it turns out that you have been dead for some time now. At least, that's what information has appeared in the public space. So how did it come to pass that you are nevertheless alive and here?

Last Sunday morning my colleague from the choir called. When he heard my voice, he said: okay, we're switching off, because I hear you're alive. In a moment, the father of a patient from near Garwolin whom I was treating called. He asked how I was feeling. I replied that I was fine and asked: what happened? He said that someone had put me down. Then another phone call, this time from Busk Zdroj. I felt strange when the same choir colleague, a friend of mine, sent me information posted on Facebook. There was my obituary with my date of birth and date of death. The information said that I had been shot by the pharmaceutical mafia because I had defended people, telling them that the only legitimate drugs were those I recommended, and that it was a shame to spend money on the rest....

The story began on September 27 last year. That was when I was first called and told that I was advertising the dru...

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