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Hospitality bill. Comments of the Supreme Medical Council on the proposed changes

MedExpress Team


Published Dec. 30, 2024 08:54

Hospitality bill. Comments of the Supreme Medical Council on the proposed changes - Header image
The Supreme Medical Council, in a position paper dated December 20, 2024, expressed numerous objections to the draft law on changes to the health care system. These include the lack of precision in the provisions, insufficient decision-making criteria, and the need for better harmonization of legislative activities.

The Supreme Medical Council has presented its position on the draft law amending the law on health care services financed from public funds and certain other laws. The draft, which has been sent for consultation by the Ministry of Health, is intended to put the Polish health care system in order. However, according to the NRL, many of its provisions need improvement, and its assumptions raise serious doubts.

Public consultation as a step in the right direction

The NRL welcomed the decision to send the draft back for public consultation. The numerous comments made on earlier versions and the significant changes introduced as a result of the consultations made another round of public dialogue necessary.

Lack ...

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