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FPP and NIL position on vaccination verification

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 7, 2022 09:14

FPP and NIL position on vaccination verification - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs and the Supreme Medical Chamber appeal for taking into account in the course of legislative work on the parliamentary draft act on special solutions ensuring the possibility of running a business during the COVID-19 epidemic (parliamentary print no.1846) the postulates of medical circles and authorities in the field of health.

The draft law concerns the most important issue for entrepreneurs, including those engaged in medical activities, i.e. the rules for verifying vaccinations in workplaces and in other fields of business activity. The content of these regulations will determine the effectiveness of further fighting the pandemic in its critical phase and the extent to which entrepreneurs will be able to function - all in conditions where on average hundreds of people die from COVID-19 per week, the rates of new infections start again rise and the threat of another coronavirus wave from the new Omikron variant is growing.

The low percenta...

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