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CSO: Record health spending.

MedExpress Team

Published July 31, 2024 18:12

CSO: Record health spending. - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
In 2023, public and private spending on health care in Poland amounted to PLN 241.6 billion, or 7.1 percent of GDP, according to the Central Statistical Office. Compared to 2022, total spending increased by more than 23 percent, with this growth generated by public spending, as private spending contracted for the first time in years.

According to preliminary estimates, current spending on health care in 2023 amounted to PLN 241.6 billion, higher than in 2022 by about PLN 45.4 billion (relative to preliminary data for 2022). Public spending went up considerably, amounting to PLN 197.8 billion (5.8 percent of real GDP) in 2023.

As for private spending, it fell by almost 8 b...

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