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Health Committee in favor of rejecting motion of no confidence in Health Minister

MedExpress Team

Published Nov. 21, 2024 09:46

Health Committee in favor of rejecting motion of no confidence in Health Minister - Header image
The Sejm is to deal with a PiS motion for a vote of no confidence in Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna. On Wednesday afternoon, after a meeting of more than three hours and a heated discussion, the Health Committee gave a negative opinion of that motion, in favor of rejecting it. The ruling coalition defended the minister in committee, and is likely to do the same again in plenary.

The list of accusations against Leszczyna was long: from the termination of the "Good Meal" pilot program (nutrition in hospitals, a program launched by Minister Katherine Sójka during the election campaign, which incidentally was used in that campaign) to bringing the health care system to the brink of the abyss. There were allegations that were untrue (such as the withholding of funding for the SMA treatment program, which never h...

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