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MZ: poviat hospitals are becoming more and more profitable

MedExpress Team


Published May 27, 2022 07:53

MZ: poviat hospitals are becoming more and more profitable - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
According to the Ministry of Health, the situation of poviat hospitals has not worsened in the last two years - as local government officials are alarming. On the contrary, the profitability of these establishments is increasing. In 2019, 33 percent was profitable. branches, and in 2020 - 46 percent. Branch losses decreased by nearly 50%. - argued in the Seym Deputy Minister Maciej Miłkowski.

- The total financial result of poviat hospitals for 2020 amounted to PLN 219 million, a year earlier - PLN 575 million. Consequently, the losses decreased by nearly 50%. - said the deputy minister, answering questions from Polish Coalition MPs who were concerned about the situation in poviat hospitals. - In 2019, it was profitable 33 percent. hospitals, and in 2020 - 46 percent hospitals - he added. It is true that total liabilities of poviat institutions increased - in 2019 they amounted to PLN 4.8 billion, in 2020 -...

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