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The health minister announces covid tests in pharmacies and calls for a remote job

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 19, 2022 14:13

The health minister announces covid tests in pharmacies and calls for a remote job - Header image
Fot . Robert Robaszewski / Agencja Gazeta
Health Minister Adam Niedzielski informed on Wednesday about 30,586 new infected. As the head of the Ministry of Health said, for approx. 20 percent. A new variant of Omikron corresponds to infections, which means that it is spreading very quickly.

The latest report is one of the highest results since the start of the pandemic - a record number of new cases to date was recorded in the Spring Wave, March 25, 2021 (34,151). On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health informed about 19,600 infections, and a week ago on Wednesday there were just over 16,000 - the week-on-week increase exceeded 90 percent. - This result is greater than the statistics monitored during the fourth wave in the fall of last year - commented Niedzielski, adding that the number of orders for further tests for the detection of Sars-CoV-2 is growing very dynamically. "These are gains we haven't seen before," he said.

The minister expects the number...

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