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Time for a culinary revolution in hospitals. There is a draft regulation

MedExpress Team


Published March 16, 2022 13:00

Time for a culinary revolution in hospitals. There is a draft regulation - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The draft ordinance of the Minister of Health on the requirements for nutrition in hospitals was submitted for consultation.

Adequate nutrition of patients in a hospital is an integral part of the entire treatment process, and proper assessment of the nutritional status and implementation of an appropriate diet is an important element in increasing the chances of patients' recovery, improving the effectiveness of both conservative and surgical treatment, and reducing the risk of complications and reducing the time healing postoperative wounds. Malnutrition or an improperly selected diet may adversely affect the course of the disease and convalescence, extend the patient's stay in the hospital and, consequently, increase the co...

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