There is a real epidemic of measles and whooping cough in our Czech brothers. What is the threat to us in the near future? Prof. Ernest Kuchar, head of the Department of Pediatrics with an Observation Unit (WUM) and LuxMed expert, answers.
Are we born with a desire to help? Does it pay to help? Or is a good person a foolish person? Is there a black side to helping? The guests of editor Bozena Stasiak are Marta Noryśkiewicz, psychologist, psychotherapist, and Robert Lipka, cultural anthropologist.
Professor Robert Galązkowski, head of the Mobile Medical Security Group of the Air Ambulance, is a guest on the program "Out to War."
- "You always have to know where to draw the line, when to say 'no' and not to change someone's face, but to maintain natural beauty," says Dr. Adam Boruch, a doctor of aesthetic medicine.
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