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The disease proved to be very strong and began to destroy her

MedExpress Team


Published April 22, 2024 09:00

The disease proved to be very strong and began to destroy her - Header image
They already knew on the first day what the disease... Iwona Schymalla's guest is Wojciech Machajek, vice president of the Brain Disease Foundation.

Let's talk today about a difficult situation for you. Your wife Hedwig, whom I met many years ago, when she was still fit and in good health. Though already diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Let's start with the important thing i.e. how many years have passed since the diagnosis?

This September will be 15 years. On the other hand, knowing a lot about Parkinson's disease now, I can see that there were already the first symptoms of the disease a year earlier.

Did you see anything? What were the symptoms? Did you notice it behaving differently somehow?

I was the one who came up with the idea that something was going on, because I saw that my wife was saving her left hand. And that hand became tender. I started to ask her, if she was reaching the bus stop, but the bus was leaving, would she be able to run? Hedwig told me: you know, the brain would probably give the order, while I don't know if I would be able to run.

So it suddenly appeared?

It appeared slowly. Then there was lumbar pain. We thought it was after childbirth, because we have four children. Jurek, our youngest son, was 8 years old when the diagnosis was made. We went to a fellow cardiologist. This was back in the days when he could do blood tests on cito. The results were quick, but there was nothing alarming in them. On the other hand, he noticed and said that he hadn't seen his wife in a long time and her face seemed strange to him, i.e. not very mobile, so mask-like. "I'll get you an appointment with a neurologist". - he said. Well, and he made an appointment for his wife to see a fellow neurologist at the regional hospital in Lublin to see Dr. Jacek Gawlowicz. He didn't specialize in Parkinson's disease, while he probably already knew it was the disease, but didn't want us to get upset. That's why he said his boss deals with such "slowdowns." Because in his wife's case, such a slowdown had already begun. What used to take her a quarter of an hour, now took an hour. And she was constantly looking for something. She couldn't find, etc. These slowdowns were dealt with by Dr. Hasiec. He was on leave at the t...

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