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Work organization vs. patient care cost optimization

MedExpress Team

Urszula Szybowicz

Published March 27, 2023 17:00

Work organization vs. patient care cost optimization - Header image
Dr. Katarzyna Kęcka, chairman of the board of directors of Szpitalne Centrum Medyczne in Goleniów sp. z o.o., Polish Federation of Hospitals.

What is quality of care? A state to which one should aspire, wanting to ensure an adequate level of care in the area of health services. The Ministry of Health has grouped the factors that affect the quality of health care services, these are:

  1. "standards for premises (building) conditions, that is, the minimum standards that a room must meet in order to be able to provide the services in question within a certain scope.
  2. standards of medical equipment and apparatus in relation to the type of services provided - these are the requirements applicable to entities applying for a contract for the provision of health care services with the National Health Fund and required for the provision of guaranteed services,
  3. standards for medical personnel relating to minimum staff qualifications and employment standards"(Quality in Healthcare - Ministry of Health - Portal (

The current situation in medical entities does not create a climate conducive to the provision of quality services. Many issues can be raised that affec...

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