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The attitude of Catholicism to health, disease and death

MedExpress Team

Pielęgniarki Cyfrowe

Published Jan. 12, 2022 07:45

The attitude of Catholicism to health, disease and death - Header image
In the Christian faith, life and physical health are considered precious gifts entrusted by God. They should be taken care of taking into account the needs of the other person and the common good.

The temporal nature of human life is revealed in disease and suffering. The attitude towards health glorifies suffering as a path to salvation. Body worship is unacceptable

Basic assumptions:

  • Drug prohibition
  • It is ethical to abuse tobacco, not tobacco use
  • Sunday is to be a day of rest, devoted to family, cultural, social and religious life, with obligatory Mass attendance
  • Strongly rejecting the entertainment industry promoting passivity and purely fun entertainment
  • There are no restrictions on the consumption of foods, and how to prepare and serve them. Moderate / self-restraint is recommended in order to respect health. The culture of fasting has been greatly reduced throughout history (Fridays, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday). It applies to people from 14 to 60 years of age.

Organ transplant, blood transfusion:


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