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We have a competitor for foreign medical robots. It's the "Robin Heart" from the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze

MedExpress Team

Published Dec. 8, 2023 08:16

We have a competitor for foreign medical robots. It's the "Robin Heart" from the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
However, funding is needed!

The Polish market is dominated by American, Chinese robots. Many varieties have India. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages - purchase costs, servicing, technical parameters. First they were used in cardiac surgery, but the list of specialties in which they are indispensable has expanded in recent years to include gynecological, gastrointestinal, or urological conditions.

American "da Vinci" robots are the most popular in Poland. Polish designers from the Prof. Zbigniew Religa Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze and the Silesian Medical University can boast the most modern version of the "Robin Heart" robot, but at least 300 million zlotys are needed for it to enter production and become competitive with foreign equipment.

- We estimate that in f...

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