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"Women's Health - Family Security: "The Power of Women."

MedExpress Team

Published March 22, 2024 12:50

"Women's Health - Family Security: "The Power of Women." - Header image
Medical Rationale of State, in partnership with the Federation of Amazon Associations, is inaugurating the second phase of the "Women's Health - Family Safety" educational and systemic campaign, which aims to direct public attention to the importance of prevention of civilization diseases, including cancer.

According to the Central Statistical Office, at the end of June 2022, Poland's population was 37.8 million people. In the total population, women accounted for almost 52% (19.6 million people), and the feminization rate was 107 (111 in urban areas and 101 in rural areas). To this group of Polish citizens, as of February 24, 2022, about 1 million refugee women from Ukraine have joined, as the vast majority of those seeking refuge in Poland from the war in Ukraine are women and girls, according to the ...

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