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Izabela Leszczyna: I hope the president will sign the law on the morning-after pill

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Feb. 15, 2024 09:05

Izabela Leszczyna: I hope the president will sign the law on the morning-after pill - Header image
fot. screenshot | YouTube: Polskie Radio 24
- I hope that Mr. President will sign this law, in 25 countries of the European Union the pill is available , even without an age limit," said Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna in the program Salon Polityczny Trójki on Polish Radio Program 3. She also referred to the issue of work on a bill liberalizing the right to abortion and the exclusion of the possibility of using the conscience clause by hospitals with contracts with the National Health Fund.

Izabela Leszczyna stressed that the pill used in emergency contraception works to prevent conception. It is safe for health, including for young women.

- We are introducing an age restriction of 15 years and above, due to the fact that under the Criminal Code, sexual intercourse with a minor is punishable by imprisonment. In 25 European Union countries, the pill is avai...

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