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The system-education campaign: the Power of Women.

MedExpress Team

Published April 8, 2024 13:25

The system-education campaign: the Power of Women. - Header image
On March 26, the Medical Rationale of State, in partnership with the Federation of Associations of "Amazons" - with a debate under such a title - launched the next stage of the system-education campaign "Women's Health - Family Safety" focusing public attention on prevention, modern diagnosis and therapy of civilization diseases.

Exercising honorary patronage over the event, Monika Wielichowska, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm, emphasized the role of conscious, empathetic women in caring for the condition of their loved ones.

- It is the woman's attentiveness that determines the health of offspring, partner, seniors. It is the woman who is more likely to form healthy habits, keep an eye on her children's vaccination calendar and take care of them when they get sick. Unfortunately, there are times when she no longer has enough time and strength to remember her own needs. Asked - what is the greatest value for them - Polish women point to health, then family and solidarity.

Education, prevention and diagnosis are the foundations of public health and the effectiveness of the therapeutic process. Therefore, let's not forget about regular examinations, eat consciously and be active. A common priority should be the standard of rapid diagnosis and the elimination of disparities in access to modern technology throughout the European Union," the deputy speaker of Parliament added.

Live longer

The chairwoman of several parliamentary committees closely related to health - Prof. Alicja Chybicka - reminded that the safety of this area of our lives depends to a great extent on ordinary, everyday choices.

- If we took smarter care of ourselves and the environment, worked, but not so much that we lose sight of goods more valuable than money, many dangers to ourselves and loved ones could be avoided. I love my job, however, if, by changing the lifestyle of Poles, the threat of cancer could be eliminated, I would become the happiest unemployed person. Momentarily, as a realist - I urge people to get themselves examined, get tested for oncogenic viruses and enjoy the benefits of vaccination. I know that it is essential to strengthen the role of PCPs in caring for our health. Certainly, support will be needed here also in financial terms, and this should happen. Without this, it will be difficult to increase the chances of comparable life expectancy for women in Poland and, for example, in Spain, where the average age is 86 years while in our country - 5 years less!

Embarrassing topics

Solidarity with women and determination to support them was also presented by Prof. Urszula Demkow, undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Health, in a two-way conversation with Prof. Ewa Barcz, head of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the UKSW Medical College's Międzyleski Specialized Hospital, recalling the silent drama of several million women suffering from pelvic floor diseases. Among them - urinary incontinence,...

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