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MZ: No money for nurses this year, but...

MedExpress Team

Published April 11, 2024 13:39

MZ: No money for nurses this year, but... - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The Health Ministry assures that it wants to meet the demands of nurses included in the civic draft amendment to the minimum wage law - and proposes to adjust the indicators for the two groups (5 and 6) to which most of this professional group is assigned. The adjustment would be spread over two years and would begin on January 1, 2025.

The reason? As he said at Thursday's meeting of the special subcommittee working on the bill, there is no money for anything more this year than the implementation of the law in its current form. The costs will certainly amount to more than 15 billion zlotys for the whole year - that's more than the planned increase in health spending (although, of course, plan execution is always higher).

The Ministry of Health acknowledges that the differences between Group 2 (nurses and midwives with master's degrees and specializations) and Groups 5 and 6 are too great, and wants to close them somewhat by raising the ratios. - We want these salary ratios t...

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