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How to relax during Christmas?

MedExpress Team


Published Dec. 22, 2023 08:43

How to relax during Christmas? - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Christmas is undoubtedly a special time, but in the flurry of duties and preparations we don't quite get the magic of it. We can relax in a variety of ways, but there are a few tried-and-true and universal tips to help us spend these festive days better. We recommend a short 2023 guide prepared by Szymon Florek, a psychiatrist from the Silesian Medical University.

Forget about work! This can be said to be a basic condition to talk about rest at all during Christmas. They should be a time that is in no way associated with work and any obligations," explains Szymon Florek, a psychiatrist from the Department of Psychiatry at the Silesian Medical University.

Let's try to imagine this year's Christmas with only the duties that give pleasure - sounds tempting? It can be a reality, however, we need to keep in mind a few rules related to...

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