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Patient rights

Patient notifications in 2023: what are they about, what has changed?

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 9, 2025 10:06

Patient notifications in 2023: what are they about, what has changed? - Header image
fot. Biuro Rzecznika Praw Pacjenta | Rafał Siderski
The Patients' Rights Ombudsman received nearly 100,000 notifications in 2023, according to the MPC's report, which was approved by the Parliamentary Health Committee on Wednesday. More than 1.8 thousand individual cases were found to have violated patient rights.

- In 2023, the MPC office received 98892 reports from patients - less than in 2020-2022, but more than before the pandemic, Bartholomew Chmielowiec said at the Health Committee meeting. In 2021, the MPC received more than 163,000 notifications. The higher number of complaints to the Patient Ombudsman than before the pandemic, however, is not necessarily due to a worsening of the situation for patients: it is the result of many factors, such as greater awareness of the possibility of filing a complaint or even tec...

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