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Education superintendent about vaccinations. Will there be a resignation?

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 10, 2022 09:37

Education superintendent about vaccinations. Will there be a resignation? - Header image
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Perhaps on Monday, January 10, a decision will be made on the possible resignation of Małopolska, the education superintendent Barbara Nowak. The reason is Friday's statement that vaccination against COVID-19 is a medical experiment.

Barbara Nowak in an interview with Radio Zet said that she was against compulsory vaccinations for teachers (such a solution is being sought by the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, although the head of the Ministry of Education, like Barbara Nowak, does not want to hear about the introduction - as he says himself - "Compulsory vaccination"). - I absolutely do not agree with the idea of ​​forcing anyone to do anything, especially if we are talking about vaccines, which, as everyone knows, are not yet the complete consequences of using this experiment, as if it were not, said the curator Nowak.

The minister of health ...

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