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Family doctors criticize the government's new strategy to combat the pandemic

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 22, 2022 12:36

Family doctors criticize the government's new strategy to combat the pandemic - Header image
The government has announced new rules to fight the pandemic, which will completely remove the care of patients with other diseases. The way to fight the fifth wave is through even stronger pre-hospital care and caring for seniors with COVID-19. According to experts from the Federation of Zielona Góra Agreement Federation, this decision will be catastrophic for patients with other diseases.

Every patient over 60 years of age who test positive for coronavirus, regardless of how they feel, will have to be examined by a primary health care physician within 48 hours, also at home.

- This decision will completely disable POZ, and we will feel its effects for a long time - assesses the government's idea Jacek Krajewski, president of the Federation of Zielona Góra Agreement. - The new guidelines will cause a furthe...

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