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Fifth Wave: Up to 140,000 infections daily

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 18, 2022 08:13

Fifth Wave: Up to 140,000 infections daily - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The fifth wave is a fact and in the coming days we should expect an increase in the number of infections, said Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski on Monday afternoon, who at the beginning of January spoke about the "anomaly" after Christmas, explaining the increase in infections.

Experts already emphasized that there was no question of any anomaly, because the post-holiday increase in infections was expected - due to the practical lack of restrictions, a large number of contacts and a low level of vaccination of the society, and that a scenario in which the fifth wave will start with a high number of daily infections and - above all - hospitalization. This is what is happening.

Adam Niedzielski on Monday referred to the resignation of thirteen out of seventeen members of the Medical Council . He thanked the experts who resigned on Friday, stressed that he was trying to convince them to stay in the advisory b...

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