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Minimum wages: The Health Committee recommends the rejection of all Senate amendments

MedExpress Team


Published June 22, 2022 17:59

Minimum wages: The Health Committee recommends the rejection of all Senate amendments - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
On Thursday before noon, the Sejm is to take a decision on the final shape of the act on minimum wages in health care. On Wednesday, the Health Committee recommended the rejection of all amendments of the upper house, including (and perhaps most of all) those that raise wage rates in all professional groups by 0.25 percent.

These amendments, proposed separately by the Senate, were rejected by the Health Committee with a bloc, despite the justification of the Senate's resolution and MPs' votes, reminding them that the Senate wanted to protect the real value of the increases planned and agreed in the fall with these amendments - and since then the situation has fundamental...

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