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Smoking marijuana increases risk of heart attack and stroke. New findings from an American study

MedExpress Team

Published March 11, 2024 07:24

Smoking marijuana increases risk of heart attack and stroke. New findings from an American study - Header image
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Germany has joined countries where possession and cultivation of a certain amount of cannabis by private individuals will be fully accepted by law as of April first. Does decriminalization make sense from a public health perspective? As scientific research progresses, more and more doubts are being raised on this issue.

Recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, the results of a study on the harmful effects of marijuana on the heart and blood vessels shed a disturbing light on its effects on the entire cardiovascular system. American researchers have shown that marijuana consumption can have serious consequences and contribute to cardiovascular incidents as well as cause stroke. The study was conducted among 43,000 American adults. Eligible were adults who were both tobacco smokers and those who had never smoked, even electronic cigarettes. Experts set out to determine whether tobacco or cannabis, or perhaps a combination of the two stimulants, was respons...

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