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Stimulator straight to the heart! The first such procedure in Poland by cardiologists from the Medical University of Silesia. And third in the world

MedExpress Team


Published Dec. 22, 2022 08:31

Stimulator straight to the heart! The first such procedure in Poland by cardiologists from the Medical University of Silesia. And third in the world - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Cardiologists from the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze implanted a electrodeless pacemaker in a patient with an extremely rare heart defect for the first time in Poland.

- Classic transvenous pacemakers consisting of a generator and electrodes connected to it inserted inside the heart through a vein were until recently the only option. In the group of patients to which our patient belongs - with corrected transposition of the great arteries and a single-ventricular heart - the use of a electrodeless pacing system was the optimal solution - explains Dr. hab. n. med. Mateusz Tajstra from the 3rd Chair and Clinical Department of Cardiology of the Medical University of Silesia in S...

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