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Hospital in the ICU - episode 1: Tomasz Kopiec

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 25, 2022 08:39

Hospital in the ICU - episode 1: Tomasz Kopiec - Header image
- I found a situation in which we actually did not have radiologists. This was the result of tensions between this professional group and the hospital management. In a way, I inherited this conflict and tried to resolve it. With the help of director Adam Karolik, we managed to solve this problem with the help of doctors from the East - he said in the podcast “Hospital in the ICU. Restructuring talks ”Tomasz Kopiec, director of the Multispecialist Hospital in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. What other challenges did he face during the first year of work in this clinic? Is a hospital GP clinic a good offer for patients? Among other things, we talked about this with the director in the first episode of the podcast.

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