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Krzysztof Bukiel

To myself or from myself. Current comment

MedExpress Team

Dr Krzysztof Bukiel

Published Feb. 11, 2022 08:50

To myself or from myself. Current comment - Header image
The differences between the market economy and the so-called socialist (prescriptive) is many. I would like to highlight one of them related to the way the client is treated. They can be defined with the words: "to yourself" or "from yourself".

In a market economy, where prices are free, and entities operate "for profit" and compete with each other, each entity wants to have as many customers as possible, because the more customers, the greater the profit, development opportunities, etc. Hence their approach to the customer can be define as "towards themselves": they do their best to attract the client to themselves.
In a "socialist" economy (such as existed, for example, in the People's Republic of Poland), prices are set administratively, and entities do not act "for profit" but "for the mission", receiving funds from the government depending on whether the government recognizes their mission as more important - then there are more of these resources, or less imp...

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