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The number of measles cases in Europe is growing. WHO appeals to Poland

MedExpress Team

Published Feb. 1, 2024 08:25

The number of measles cases in Europe is growing. WHO appeals to Poland - Header image
Fot. iStock
The WHO European Region has seen an alarming increase in measles cases in 2023, with more than 42,200 cases. Hospitalization rates have also increased in many countries.

According to the National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene - National Research Institute (NIZP-PZH-PIB), 36 measles cases were reported in Poland in 2023, mostly in the age group up to ten years old. However, given the high infectivity of measles, once the virus emerges in a community, it can spread there very quickly.

Measles can be potentially dangerous, but it can be completely prevented by vaccination. To be able to prevent the spread of measles after contact with the virus, the immunity of the population must be at least 95%. In every country there are groups of people, and not only among young children, but also among adolescents and adults, who have not been va...

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