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What's next for the morning-after pill?

MedExpress Team

Published Feb. 9, 2024 13:03

What's next for the morning-after pill? - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
A decision on the morning-after pill will be made at the next session of the Sejm. The Confederation filed a motion during the second reading to reject the draft amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law, so the project must be dealt with by the Health Committee.

On Thursday before noon - the first reading in the Health Committee and a two-hour, stormy, discussion. In the afternoon, the second reading in plenary and the temperature a good few degrees higher, with the same arguments.

On the one hand, Law and Justice and the Confederation, in a huge part of the statements, against the availability of the morning-after pill without a prescription. The reasons? It harms health and is unethical, because it only has a contraceptive effect in some cases, while in most cases it is an early abortifacient. Some Law and Justice deputies focused exclusively on the issue of the governm...

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