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"I just go for a prescription...". Meanwhile, the range of examinations and advice at the POZ is getting wider and wider

MedExpress Team


Published June 2, 2023 08:53

"I just go for a prescription...". Meanwhile, the range of examinations and advice at the POZ is getting wider and wider - Header image
The offices of primary care physicians are the places where a patient's health is managed. It is the family medicine specialists who should know the most about patients' health. They could have more of that knowledge if they obtained additional information. Family medicine specialists from the Federation Zielonogórski Porozumienie Zielonogórskie talk about what to do to make the most of the time during a visit.

Dr. Agata Slawin, Family Physician Practice in Kielczow and Pisarzowice, Lower Silesia Province:

- When going to see your primary care doctor, you need to be prepared. Know exactly what medications you are taking, in what doses, for how long and who prescribed them. You can make a list of all the medications you are taking that have been ordered by other specialists - check for interactions. You also need to bring the results of tests ordered by other doctors. It's also important to bring your medical records - preferably in chronological order so that you do...

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