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World Family Physician Day: It's not easy to find successors...

MedExpress Team


Published May 19, 2023 08:57

World Family Physician Day: It's not easy to find successors... - Header image
Fot. iStock/Getty Images
World Family Physician's Day is a reminder of the important role in the diagnostic process played by the knowledge and experience of medics who are closest to patients.

They are called frontline doctors, and since the pandemic, frontline doctors. There are more than 10,000 of them in Poland, but even if this number were to increase by a hundred percent, each of them would still have something to do. Especially since, with successive changes in the primary health care system, their tasks and responsibilities continue to increase.

They have millions of citizens in need of health care under their care. Most often, these are entire families, with whom they have been acquai...

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