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GUS: The pandemic increases pensions and shortens the life expectancy of Poles

MedExpress Team


Published March 29, 2022 08:04

GUS: The pandemic increases pensions and shortens the life expectancy of Poles - Header image
During the two years of the pandemic, the average life expectancy of Poles decreased by about two years - data published by the Central Statistical Office confirm. COVID-19 and the high mortality rate for several months of the pandemic brought us back in terms of average life expectancy to the level of the beginning of the 21st century.

Every year, at the end of March, the President of the CSO publishes a statement containing a table with the life expectancy of men and women expressed in months. The life expectancy tables published on March 28, which cover people aged 30 to 90, are taken into account when calculating retirement benefits.

According to the new tables, the average life expect...

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