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European Testing Week

HIV infection does not display on face

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Nov. 19, 2024 09:19

HIV infection does not display on face - Header image
Fot. Thinkstock / Getty Images
At least half of people in Poland with HIV infection start treatment too late. Meanwhile, early detection allows for effective therapy and improved quality of life. European Testing Week is underway. Experts and government officials are taking this opportunity to remind people that HIV testing can be done safely, anonymously, free of charge and without a referral.

- HIV infection does not display itself on the face. You can't see it, so you need to get this test done and not assume in advance that I don't have a risk because I have one regular partner or one regular partner. If anyone has ever had sex without a condom in their life, they should take this test. One of the recommendations is also to get tested before entering int...

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