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Legionella in more regions. Infections have been confirmed in the Malopolska and Lublin regions.

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Aug. 28, 2023 08:30

Legionella in more regions. Infections have been confirmed in the Malopolska and Lublin regions. - Header image
fot. iStock
It is no longer only in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship that we are dealing with the occurrence of legionellosis due to infection with the Legionella bacterium. In recent days, the infection has also been confirmed in patients from the Lubelskie and Malopolskie provinces.

Most of the sick people live in Rzeszow and Rzeszow County. A total of 144 people have been confirmed infected so far, eight of whom have died. The proliferation of the bacterial bacilli in indoor water systems is favored by the high temperatures that have persisted in recent days. Legionella bacteria are found in water and multiply at temperatures of 2...

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