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The parliament will adopt a quality package this week?

MedExpress Team


Published June 14, 2023 09:15

The parliament will adopt a quality package this week? - Header image
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Work has begun on two "quality" projects. On Tuesday morning, the Sejm held the first reading of a draft amendment to the Law on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman, introducing a system of compensation for medical events, in the evening the Health Committee completed the first reading of a bill on quality. On Wednesday, the Sejm will take it up in plenary session.

The two parliamentary bills on which the Sejm has just begun work replace the government's bill on quality in health care and patient safety, which was finally rejected by the Sejm in April. The Health Minister opted for the parliamentary path to speed up the procedure and bypass consultations - and all indications are that the "parliamentary machine" has started. Will it jam again?

- The main protagonist of this law is the patient as the most important link in the health care system," said the representative of the applicants Czeslaw Hoc. - It will make it possible to measure the effects of treatment and, above all, to supervise quality and eliminate adverse events to avoid them in the future, he added. - I am glad that the project is once again on the...

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