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President won't sign day-after pill bill into law

MedExpress Team

Published Feb. 23, 2024 08:20

President won't sign day-after pill bill into law - Header image
Fot: Andrzej Hrechorowicz;
The parliament passed an amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law on Thursday, which stipulates that people over the age of 15 will be able to buy so-called emergency contraception without a prescription. The Health Minister announced a few days ago that the amendment could go into effect on April 1, but will it? President Andrzej Duda announced a few hours after the Sejm's decision that he would not sign the bill.

The reason is the age limit - 15 years of age or older. The president's associates have stipulated from the beginning of work in the Sejm on this project that it is the age caesura that will be crucial, making it clear that the head of state may accept a solution in which prescriptions are not needed by adults, whil...

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