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There is a bill on the modernization of hospitality

MedExpress Team


Published Dec. 31, 2021 09:16

There is a bill on the modernization of hospitality - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
According to the promise made by the minister of health on Thursday morning, the bill on the modernization of hospitals has been submitted to public consultations. - This is a day that will go down in the history of hospitality - said Adam Niedzielski at the Children's Memorial Health Institute.

Project consultation will take 30 days.

- We are launching a fundamental reform of Polish hospitality. We are submitting a draft law for consultation, which will define the rules for the modernization and development of hospitality, the minister informed at a press conference organized in CZD, i.e. one of the institutes subordinate to the minister, which is, incidentally, struggling with a considerable debt.

The draft - as the minister explained - contains regulations which, on the one hand, will ensure better financial condition for hospitals, and, on the other hand, guarantee high-quality services for patients.

Adam Niedzielski explained that the pandemic highlighted the need to introduce a coordination mechanism in healthcare. According to Niedz...

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